New Zealand Law Commission Discussion Paper on Contempt
The document seeks feedback on a package of far-reaching changes to the law of contempt in New Zealand.
It proposes that judge-made laws of contempt of court be replaced by a more limited and clearer set of legislative provisions that better reconcile protecting the integrity of the justice system and fair trial rights with the importance of freedom of speech.
It examines a number of issues, such as contempt in the face of the court, publication contempt, juror contempt, scandalising the court and civil contempt.
Earlier Library Boy posts on the topic include:
- English Law Commission Consultation on Scandalising the Court (August 13, 2012)
- English Law Commission Recommends Criminal Penalties for Jurors Conducting Prohibited Internet Research (December 9, 2013)
- English Law Commission Report on Contempt of Court: Court Reporting (March 27, 2014)
Labels: courts, government_New_Zealand, law commissions

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