New Access to Justice & Law Reform Institute in Nova Scotia
The Institute continues to be independent of government but is no longer a statutory commission. The Institute will continue the mandate of the Commission by making recommendations for the improvement, modernization and reform of the law. The Institute will continue to make recommendations for the development of new approaches to, and concepts of law that serve the changing needs of Nova Scotian society. It will also make recommendations for the improvement and administration of justice and it will review judicial and quasi-judicial procedures.All of the Commission's reports remain available online on the site of the new organization.
The Institute will also be taking on access to justice projects such as #TalkJustice, formerly a project of the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society and the Access to Justice Coordinating Committee. The #TalkJustice project seeks to bring the voices of Nova Scotians to the center of justice reform through community engagement and the collection of first-hand experiences of those who have navigated the system. With this unique new project we hope to make the work of the Institute even more responsive to the lives and experiences of all persons in Nova Scotian.
Labels: government_Nova_Scotia, law commissions

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