Sunday, March 12, 2006

Monthly Newsletter on Law and Religion

The French law blog Doc en Vr@c mentions La Lettre du droit des religions, a monthly online bulletin on law and religion produced by Sébastien Lherbier-Levy since late 2004.

Each issue includes an editorial comment, a feature article, news items from France and the European Union, case law from the European Court of Human Rights (and domestic case law from French tribunals) as well as a bibliography.

As an example of the type of material covered, the March issue contains an editorial on the legal treatment of "new religions" (cults) under German law, and an article on the Mohamed cartoon controversy and what the relevant jurisprudence has to say about freedom of expression under French and European law. It also reprints decisions and resolutions by European Union institutions defending the right of the news media to publish anti-religious material and it reports on various European Court of Human Rights decisions concerning the Turkish government's banning of the hijab (Islamic head covering for women) in schools and universities.

One of my earlier posts from Dec. 12, 2005 entitled Laïcité 1905-2005: Centenary of the Separation of Church and State in France contains links to other interesting sources on law and religion, in particular:

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 5:09 pm


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