Directories of French Law-Related Blogs
As well, another site, Juridiconline, has started a directory of French blawgs.
There is quite a bit of overlap. A quick scan of the listings shows a large contingent of academic bloggers with a more theoretical take on things ("la doctrine") as well as a number of bloggers commenting on legal news ("actualité juridique").

I think you've found the two good links for French-speaking blawgs. Thank you.
May I also suggest to have a look to the topic on DMOZ.
And if you look for the less trendy, more classical, but perhaps more rich in content, good old web sites :-) do not look further than :
Internet juridique : les sites web incontournables (a selection of French legal web sites)
Emmanuel Barthe
French law firm librarian who also has a blog (on French legal information) :
Un blog pour l'information juridique
I think you have got good links for French law blogs. I need links to top Canadian law blogs. Can I get Here?
Your experience about french law is nice i am also working as lawyer in this area.
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