Encyclopedia Britannica Strikes Back At Wikipedia Comparisons
I referred to the controversy in a December 14, 2005 post entitled Following the Wikipedia Controversy.
The last 2 links in that post were A Vote of Confidence in Wikipedia -- A study by the journal Nature finds that the online encyclopedia is nearly as accurate as Britannica -- and is widely used by scientists (Business Week) and Special Report - Internet encyclopaedias go head to head - Jimmy Wales' Wikipedia comes close to Britannica in terms of the accuracy of its science entries, a Nature investigation finds (Nature).
Well, Resourceshelf reports that Encyclopedia Britannica has responded, as explained on the website of the San Antonio Express-News: "Recently, a study in the journal Nature compared the accuracy in science-related articles in both Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia, stating that EB's's science coverage was only slightly more accurate than Wikipedia. Wikipedians were ecstatic, but now EB has come out with its own rebuttal."
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