Justice Talking - Law-Themed Radio Program from NPR
Recent shows have tackled issues such as endangered species protection, identity theft, U.S. immigration reform, electoral reform and domestic spying.
Earlier Library Boy posts about legal podcasts include:
- Podcasts and Internet Audio Resources in Law (September 20, 2005): refers to an article in the American Bar Association's Law Practice Today that describes what podcasts are and how to find podcasts on topics of interest
- Podcasts for Law Firms (November 2, 2005): explains how podcasts may be ideal for continuing legal education (CLE) materials
- Podcast About Legal Information Institutes (November 27, 2005): talks about the Check This Out! podcast (University of Buffalo Law School)
- 2005 - Year of the Law Podcast (December 8, 2005): mentions a Law Technology News column that reviews a cross section of podcasts being produced for and by lawyers
- "Podcast" Named Word of the Year, "Blog" Chosen as Word to be Banished (December 12, 2005): the Oxford American Dictionary selected "podcast" as word of the year
- Library Technology Podcasts (February 12, 2006): describes a series of podcasts offered by PALINET, a library network in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, etc.)
- Law-Related Podcasts and Audio Files in French (April 12, 2006): describes Le Bien commun (The Common Good), a weekly webcast/podcast on the France Culture network (the equivalent of CBC Radio 2), one of whose main goals is to combat the public's negative stereotypes about law
- SirsiDynix Upcoming Seminars (April 27, 2006): it is possible to subscribe to podcasts of seminars by information industry leaders
- Coast-to-Coast Legal Podcast: The Fun Side of Lawyers (June 30, 2006): refers to Coast-to-Coast, a regular show on the Legal Talk Network, a U.S. Internet radio network for lawyers
Labels: podcasts

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