More 2010 Info Trends
Well tough, here's another instalment:
- Trends for 2010: Information Sharing (UK information industry newsletter FUMSI, December 2009): "There is no doubt that the shockwaves following the financial collapse of some of the best known banks and financial institutions made 2009 a difficult year for nearly every enterprise on the planet. Indeed, there are few people who have a living memory of a worst recession. This has been a particular concern for the information sector, where cutting back on research, knowledge management and library skills look like easy 'soft' targets for efficiency.And so, with that in mind, instead of dwelling on the year just gone, I thought I'd have a gaze into my crystal ball and optimistically see what I think 2010 will hold for those of us who publish and 'share' information for a living."
- Looking Forward: Legal Technology in 2010 (Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast, January 5, 2010): "In part two of this two-part series on legal technology trends, co-hosts Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell peer into the crystal ball to find the key trends and storylines to expect in legal technology in 2010. Will the economy keep a lid on significant developments? What role will Internet and mobile technologies play? What should lawyers, law firms and other legal organizations be putting into their strategic technology plans? In addition, Dennis and Tom make predictions about technology in general and legal technology in particular. "
- Get Ready for the "Next Evolution" in Very Expensive Legal Research Services (Law Librarian Blog, January 5, 2010): "Greg Lambert offers his 10 projections for 2010 on 3 Geeks and a Law Blog including rumored ones that have become a swirling maelstrom lately, namely, Westlaw and Lexis launching revamped legal research interfaces. "
Labels: information industry, information management, IT trends

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