Legal Information Preservation Alliance Webinar on Open Access Law Repositories
According to an e-mail from NELLCO, an international consortium of law libraries:
"The LawArXiv mission is to empower the scholarly legal community and champion open access principles by ensuring community ownership of legal scholarship. The project has been in the planning stages for several months and is expected to launch within the next few weeks."LawArXiv is an emerging collaborative initiative of the Legal Information Preservation Alliance, the Mid-America Law Library Consortium, the NELLCO Law Library Consortium, and the Cornell Law Library. Christine Iaconeta (Law Library Director, University of Maine) will moderate the program. Presenters are Jean Wenger (Chair, LIPA Board), Corie Dugas (Executive Director, MALLCO), and Tracy Thompson (Executive Director, MALLCO).
Meeting number (access code): 630 636 887
Meeting password: aACqXsQ2
Audio connection:
1-866-469-3239 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-650-429-3300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Labels: digital collections, open access, preservation

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