Report on Higher Education Inter-Library Loan Management Benchmarks
"The study presents data from 39 colleges and universities predominantly from the USA but also from the UK, France, Spain, Denmark, Israel and New Zealand, among other countries. The 160+ page comprehensive study presents detailed data on budgets, staffing, borrowing and lending, turnaround time, technology use, consortia and partnerships, revenues and costs, eBook lending, special collections lending, audio-visual materials lending and much else ..."Print and PDF versions are available for $112.00 (US). Site licenses are also available.
"Just a few of the report’s many findings are that:
- The vast majority of respondents reported that ILL staffing has stayed the same over the last three years.
- Only 10% participated in international agreements or consortia.
- For borrowing requests fulfilled through transfer of paper resources by post or courier, the average turnaround time for articles is between 6 and 7 days and for books is between 7 and 8 days."
Labels: inter-library loans, library management

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