Thursday, April 27, 2023

LawBytes Podcast on Federal Court Ruling on Facebook and Privacy

In the most recent LawBytes podcast, University of Ottawa law professor Michael Geist talks with his colleague Teresa Scassa about a recent Federal Court decision that ruled for Facebook in case with many privacy law implications:

"The controversy over Facebook and Cambridge Analytica was back in the spotlight in Canada as the Federal Court sided with Facebook and against the Privacy Commissioner of Canada in a decision arising from a 2019 investigation into the matter. The Privacy Commissioner ruled against Facebook in 2019, but Facebook disagreed with the findings, took the matter to court, and won. What lies behind the decision and what does it mean for privacy in Canada? My colleague Teresa Scassa, who holds the Canada Research Chair In Information Law, is widely regarded as one of Canada’s leading privacy law experts. She posted on the decision soon after its release and joins the Law Bytes podcast to talk about the ruling and its broader implications."

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 4:10 pm


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