Recent Library of Parliament Legislative Summaries
The Library of Parliament in Ottawa has recently published a number of legislative summaries of important federal bills.
Among them are:
- Legislative Summary of Bill C-42: An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act: "The bill strengthens the government’s commitment to the implementation of a publicly accessible beneficial ownership registry of corporations governed under the Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA)2 in furtherance of its efforts to bolster Canada’s anti–money laundering and anti–terrorist financing regime (...)"
- Legislative Summary of Bill S-13: An Act to amend the Interpretation Act: "The bill amends the federal Interpretation Act 2 to include a non-derogation clause on upholding Aboriginal and treaty rights of Indigenous peoples recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. A non-derogation clause is a statement in a law that indicates the law should be interpreted to uphold, and not diminish, other pre-existing rights. Bill S-13 aims to ensure that all federal legislation is interpreted to uphold constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights."
Labels: aboriginal and Indigenous law, commercial and corporate law, government of Canada, legislation, Library of Parliament, terrorism

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