Serials Price Projection Report for 2024
Library services provider EBSCO Information Services has just published its 2024 Serials Price Projection Report.
The report estimates that the overall effective publisher price increases for academic and academic medical libraries are expected to be (before any currency impact) in the range of three to four percent for individual e-journal titles, two to three percent for e-journal packages and four to five percent for print titles.
The report has some interesting comments about the impact of currency fluctuations:
"The percentage of nonlocal currency spend varies by country and institution based on the library’s collection (...) For customers in the U.K. and Eurozone countries, generally 50 to 60 percent of content spend is priced by publishers in their local currencies. Libraries in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, South Africa, and other countries generally have much higher ratios of spend allocated to titles priced in other currencies and therefore can expect currency fluctuations to have a more significant impact on their budgets. As always, and depending on library location geographically, EBSCO recommends customers add an additional 2 to 4 percent to the estimated price increases when budgeting to protect themselves from a possible shift in currency in which they are invoiced between now and the time subscription payments are made."
"Based on the assumption that the majority of a library's serials spend will be for e-journal packages with the remainder split primarily between individual e-journals and fewer print journals, we estimate the overall effective price increase for 2024 to be in the range of 3 to 4 percent before considering currency impact."
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