The Rights of Journalists
Here are some resources on the subject of the protection of reporters' rights.
- Committee to Protect Journalists - nonpartisan, nonprofit organization founded in 1981 to monitor abuses against the press and promote press freedom around the world
- Reporters Without Borders - global organization that defends journalists and other media contributors and professionals who have been imprisoned or persecuted for doing their work, lncludes news and reports, as well as an annual news roundup featuring statistics and narratives about jailed, wounded, and murdered journalists
- Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press - U.S. nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free legal assistance to journalists in trouble, includes news on legal actions involving freedom of the press and white papers, also guides to help U.S. reporters on issues like accessing legal and public records, medical privacy, photographers and privacy rights, gag orders
- Canadian Journalists for Free Expression - one of the principal activities of CJFE is the management of the world's only freedom of expression clearinghouse, the International Freedom of Expression Exchange
Labels: censorship, human rights, journalism

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