New England Law Library Consortium Talk at the Supreme Court
NELLCO was founded in 1983 and is one of the oldest library consortia in continuous operation in the United States, and one of only two which focus on law libraries.
It has a very broad range of interest groups, product trials, e-resource licenses, and cooperative resource sharing initiatives, and is therfore seen as a model for successful cooperative networks.
Thompson spoke to Consortium members about governance structures that work, consortia licensing practices, and cost savings. NELLCO has recently decided to expand its "affiliate membership" to non-American law libraries.
NELLCO seems to be way more advanced than Canadian library consortia in negotiating collective licenses for electronic subscriptions.
The Council here in Canada is currently examining how to expand collective procurement and I have been told that it is interested in establishing topic-specific groups such as law libraries, science, libraries etc. that would go out and represent government libraries in those areas when dealing with vendors.
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