New Legal Research Report on Immigrant Settlement
From the foreward:
"Community Foundations of Canada and the Law Commission of Canada are very pleased to present Unsettled: Legal and Policy Barriers for Newcomers to Canada by Sarah Wayland."
"Few issues are as pressing for Canada today as immigration which accounts for more than half of our population growth and about three-quarters of our labour market growth. Yet today’s newcomers face significant barriers and they are not doing as well as their predecessors have done."
"Neither Community Foundations of Canada nor the Law Commission of Canada are experts on issues of immigrant settlement. Rather, they are two organizations with complementary missions that believe that all sectors in Canada – government, business, and the non-governmental and community sectors – need to put their heads together to figure out how to help immigrants not only settle but thrive. Community Foundations of Canada and the Law Commission of Canada have joined together to fund this research in order to gain a solid understanding of the key challenges faced by new Canadians."
"Much has been written about the challenges of immigration in Canada in recent years and this report and its companion literature review draw heavily on the existing body of research. This report’s particular contribution is its focus on the legal and policy barriers to the successful settlement of immigrants and refugees, and how these can be overcome."
Labels: government of Canada, immigration, law commissions

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