The IWS Documented News Service weblog, run by the Institute for Workplace Studies at Cornell University, has a recent post about the
International Labour Organization's comparative tables on termination of employment legislation:"These tables are intended to set out basic information relating to termination of employment in a way that is easily readable and assists basic comparative analysis. For reasons of space, some of the entries in the tables will be generalizations; if a fuller picture is required the national summaries for each country and the relevant national legislation should be consulted."
There are tables on:
- national statutory unfair and unjustified dismissal schemes
- statutory notice requirements
- specially protected situations in relation to dismissal, including that of trade union representatives, women on maternity leave and other specially protected workers
- statutory requirements for collective dismissals
Earlier Library Boy posts that describe International Labour Organization resources include:
- Labour Law and Industrial Relations Resources (October 20, 2005): "Other related material mentioned recently on Resourceshelf: the Working Time Database from the International Labour Organization. It is 'a searchable database providing information on the working time laws of more than 100 countries around the world. It covers laws that protect the heath and well-being of workers; facilitate a balance between work and family life; ensure workers have adequate time to devote to their other responsibilities and interests; and prevent discrimination against part-time workers'."
- International Labour Organization Databases (June 29, 2006): "The [ResourceShelf] review contains descriptions of databases with information from around the world on labour laws, labour standards, union rights, health and safety regulations, substance abuse in the workplace, training, migration, child labour and other issues."
- Labour Day Resources (September 4, 2006): "NATLEX is the database of national labour, social security and related human rights legislation maintained by the International Labour Organization (ILO). There are some 55,000 records covering over 170 countries and territories. The ILO also maintains a trade union freedom cases database. There are 3 active cases based on complaints from Canadian trade unions. "
- RSS Feeds from United Nations Agencies (November 22, 2006): "UN Pulse, a blog created by the United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library in New York, has compiled a list of RSS feeds from various UN bodies and specialized agencies.There are feeds from a wide variety of sources: (...) International Labour Organization... "
Labels: employment law, international organizations
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