Recent Parliamentary Reports from the UK on Elderly Healthcare and Internet Security
"In this Report the Committee examines how human rights principles can be applied to ensure that older people in hospitals and care homes are treated with greater dignity and respect (...) The Committee heard that, while some older people receive excellent care, there are concerns about poor treatment, neglect, abuse, discrimination and ill-considered discharge. It considers that an entire culture change is needed. It also recommends legislative changes and a role for the new Commission for Equality and Human Rights (...) In the Committee's view there is a significant distinction between a 'duty to provide' under care standards legislation and a 'right to receive' under human rights legislation. It recommends that the Government and other public bodies should champion understanding of how human rights principles can help transform health and social care services (...)" [from the Summary]2) The Science and Technology Committee of the House of Lords has released its report on personal Internet security:
"Where a decade ago the public perception of the e-criminal was of a lonely hacker searching for attention, today's 'bad guys' belong to organised crime groups, are highly skilful, specialised, and focused on profit. They want to stay invisible, and so far they have largely succeeded. While the incidence and cost of e-crime are known to be huge, no accurate data exist (...) The Government have insisted in evidence to this inquiry that the responsibility for personal Internet security ultimately rests with the individual. This is no longer realistic, and compounds the perception that the Internet is a lawless 'wild west'. It is clear to us that many organisations with a stake in the Internet could do more to promote personal Internet security: the manufacturers of hardware and software; retailers; Internet Service Providers; businesses, such as banks, that operate online; the police and the criminal justice system. We believe as a general principle that well-targeted incentives are more likely to yield results in such a dynamic industry than formal regulation. However, if incentives are to be effective, they may in some cases need to be backed up by the possibility of direct regulation. Also, there are some areas, such as policing, where direct Government action is needed. So Government leadership across the board is required. Our recommendations urge the Government, through a flexible mix of incentives, regulation, and direct investment, to galvanise the key stakeholders".
Labels: health law, IT security, UK

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