UK Considering TV Cameras in New Supreme Court
"The move could see some of Britain’s most high-profile appeals being shown on television. Such appeals have included the legality of detaining terror suspects without trial, whether the deaths of six Iraqis at the hands of British soldiers was covered by the Human Rights Act, and the extradition of General Pinochet".
"But Mr Straw [Justice Secterary Jack Straw] has indicated to judges that he does not favour allowing cameras into jury trials - a move that judges widely oppose because they perceive it as a step towards American-style justice that could damage the nature of court proceedings".
"Mr Straw’s proposal would resolve a longstanding stalemate over whether to allow cameras in courts. It could also be a first step towards allowing cameras into other appeal hearings, criminal and civil - and from there, to High Court proceedings such as judicial review challenges".
Labels: broadcasting, courts, UK

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