Blog Action Day Against Poverty
"Poverty is not only a pressing issue, it is a complex one. It's easy to think that there isn’t much an individual can do. Fortunately this isn’t the case at all. With activities ranging from advocacy and professional contribution to charity and financing, there is in fact many ways that we can act."The idea is that bloggers sign up to blog about poverty reduction today.
This year's Blog Action Day has dozens of organizational sponsors and supporters, including the United Nations Millenium Campaign.
So here goes.
Canadian librarians might want to explore the following legal and social policy resources on poverty :
- Canadian Social Research Links
- PovNet Legal Research Online Resources
- Human Rights Research and Education Centre (Univ. of Ottawa): economic and social rights links
- CLEONet (resources for community workers and advocates who work with low-income and disadvantaged communities in Ontario) - includes Poverty Law Advocacy Network of Canada Toolkit
- An Analysis of Poverty Law Services in Canada (on the Justice Canada website)
- many Canadian law faculty websites include information about poverty law research being conducted by faculty or about courses on poverty/welfare law

Labels: activism, legal research and writing

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