Comparison of U.S. Legislative Resources on Government and Non-Government Web Sites
The analysis compared the availability, scope and coverage of legislative resources on 4 government websites (GPO Access, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Congressional site THOMAS) and on 4 commercial services (, HeinOnline, Lexis-Nexis Congressional, and Westlaw):
"The comparative analysis yielded the following key findings:[Source: beSpacific]
- GPO Access has the largest total number of legislative resources among those evaluated.
- All Government Web sites, with the exception of GPO Access, utilize at least some external content by linking to other Web sites.
- On and, most of the legislative resources link to other Web sites to supplement their information.
- and mostly link to GPO Access rather than THOMAS to supplement their information, and in some cases link to both external services.
- THOMAS links to for a very small amount of resources.
- The scope (number of years covered) of most resources on GPO Access is exceeded by the following:;THOMAS; Lexis-Nexis; HeinOnline;
- Non-Government Web sites possess their own content, but in a very small number of cases will supplement that information with a link to GPO Access, and in one case, a link to a Library of Congress site.
- Lexis-Nexis,,, and THOMAS offer a significant amount of additional legislative resources and features not offered on GPO Access."
Labels: government_USA, legal research and writing, legislation

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