Monday, March 28, 2011

Cameras in Ontario and British Columbia Courtrooms

This is a follow-up to 2 recent Library Boy posts: Evaluation Report on Cameras in Ontario Courtrooms (March 23, 2011) and TVO Ontario Debate on Cameras in the Courtroom (March 24, 2011).

The most recent issue of The Lawyers Weekly covers the debate about the pros and cons of TV cameras in Canadian courtrooms:

"Lights. Cameras. Cue the judge."

"While this director’s cry may never be heard in a Canadian courtroom, expect to see more video images of court proceedings — including portions of trials traditionally considered off-limits — as two of Canada’s largest provinces move to increase camera access to the courts."

"A British Columbia judge has authorized television coverage of the upcoming closing arguments in a Charter challenge to Canada’s anti-polygamy laws, under a slate of new camera-friendly practice rules. And Ontario Attorney General Chris Bentley told The Lawyers Weekly he will consult the judiciary on how to bring cameras into his province’s courtrooms."

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 7:57 pm


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