Friday, April 22, 2011

Alan Borovoy Receives Canadian Library Association Award for the Advancement of Intellectual Freedom

Alan Borovoy, General Counsel Emeritus of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, is the recipient of the 2011 Award for the Advancement of Intellectual Freedom in Canada. The Award is given by the Canadian Library Association:
"Throughout a remarkable career as one of the undisputed leaders in the civil rights movement in Canada, Mr Borovoy has been a tireless advocate for freedom of expression, along with its corollaries freedom of the press and freedom of association; and equally activist for equality and procedural fairness. June Callwood, a recipient in 2006 of the same Award, dubbed him 'Mr. Civil Liberties'. "

"Mr Borovoy has been at one with the Canadian library community, whose core values include a strong commitment to intellectual freedom, a freedom under continual challenge and frequently unpopular to defend Mr Borovoy's voice has always been there with the Canadian library community's to combat both censorship and episodic public apathy enabling it, and he has referred to Canada's librarians as 'the Clark Kents of political action'. "

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 3:36 pm


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