Sunday, May 29, 2011

Draft Treaty on Copyright Exceptions for Libraries

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) has proposed a Draft Treaty on Copyright Exceptions and Limitations for Libraries and Archives :
"Particularly relevant to the work of IFLA was the study commissioned by WIPO [World Intellectual Property Organisation] from Professor Kenneth Crews, 'Study on Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries and Archives,' which WIPO published in 2008. The results of this study revealed that numerous Member States had either no exceptions or limitations for libraries and archives in their national copyright legislation, or had only minimal, general provisions."

"To examine the issues and what should be done for the benefit of libraries and archives worldwide, in April 2009 IFLA and EIFL convened a workshop at the British Library comprising librarians, intellectual property specialists, the World Blind Union, and representatives of other NGO's to develop a set of principles that should drive creation of an appropriate instrument to facilitate the mission of libraries throughout the world (...)"

"After wide consultation with librarians, representatives of Member States and other knowledgeable individuals, IFLA's working group has developed a 'Treaty on Copyright Exceptions and Limitations for Libraries and Archives'. In preparation for the work on exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives scheduled for November 2011, we offer this proposal to further informed discussion of the issues."

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 5:20 pm


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