Thursday, October 20, 2011

Eagle-i Internet Portal for Law Replaces Intute: Law

The GlobaLex collection at the New York University School of Law has just updated its guide entitled Intute: Law – the What? Why? How? Where? and Who?.

Intute: Law was "part of the UK’s national Internet service, providing access to the best of the web for law through an Internet resource catalogue of international scope and relevance, specialist site evaluation and interactive online training resources."

The service was discontinued in the summer of 2011 due to budget cutbacks by funding institutions.

The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS)in London has developed the Eagle-i Internet Portal for Law as a successor service.

It has maintained the Intute: Law bibliographic records and continues to add new ones. It already has 4,500 records providing an evaluative description of law-related websites from 200 countries as well as non-governmental international bodies and organizations.

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 6:01 pm


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