New Zealand Law Commission Paper on Civil Pecuniary Penalties
"Chapters 1 and 2 of the Issues Paper set out the existing landscape. The Commission notes that a first principles review of civil pecuniary penalties is needed because of: (a) their comparative novelty; (b) the inconsistencies in the design of the existing regimes; (c) concerns that they illegitimately blur the traditional distinction between the civil and criminal law; and (d) experience in other jurisdictions, particularly Australia, where courts have imposed additional 'quasi-criminal' protections on their imposition."The document examines the situation in a number of other jurisdictions, including Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States and Germany.
"Chapter 3 of the Issues Paper is concerned with the nature and validity of civil pecuniary penalties. The Commission assesses where civil pecuniary penalties sit against the traditional criminal-civil divide. It concludes that they are a 'hybrid' action and takes the position that while such hybrids have a valuable role to play, there must be robust policy justifications for their use. Chapter 4 critiques those policy justifications."
"The third part of the Issues Paper is concerned with matters of legislative drafting and design (...)
"Chapter 6 deals with the 'critical' design questions of: the rules of evidence and procedure that should apply; the standard and burden of proof; the privilege against self-exposure to a non-criminal penalty; double jeopardy; and intent and defences."
"Chapter 7 deals with other issues of design including: who should be able to seek and impose penalties; how penalty maximums are set in legislation; what guidance should be given to the Court; appeal rights; and limitation periods."
Labels: civil liability, comparative and foreign law, courts, government_New_Zealand, law commissions, litigation

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