Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Canadian Library Association Response to 2013 Federal Budget

The Canadian Library Association (CLA) has published its response to the recent federal budget:
"In its written submission for the government’s pre-budget consultation, CLA called for re-investment in federal libraries including Library and Archives Canada, support for broadband connectivity, targeted policies to ensure that Canadians have both access to emerging and digital technology, a role for libraries in research and development, and support to national organizations for non-regulated professions to evaluate foreign-trained workers."

"CLA is pleased to see a number of these issues addressed in the budget, including support for broadband and connectivity, and assessment and recognition of foreign qualifications (though it is unclear whether the expanded list will include any LIS-related occupations). We are also pleased that funding has been allocated to support library services to persons with print disabilities. "

"However, CLA would like to see increased government investment and clearer, more open communication regarding modernization strategies at Library and Archives Canada. CLA continues to be very concerned about the 2012 federal budget cuts to Library and Archives Canada and its subsequent capacity to fulfill its legislated mandate to preserve the documentary heritage and memory of Canada for the benefit of present and future generations, especially as it adapts to the realities of the digital environment. Additionally, CLA will continue to appeal for policies that enable Canadians to access and use digital technologies made available through the investment in broadband."

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 1:24 pm


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