Statistics Canada Article on Victim Services in Canada, 2011/2012
"The information in this report is based on the 760 victim service providers and six criminal injuries compensation programs which responded to the Victim Services Survey. In total, these providers served almost 460,000 victims in 2011/2012. These services are offered to all primary and secondary victims of crime whether or not they have reported an incident to police. The large majority of these service providers, about 90%, provided some form of protection or crisis service, as well as helping victims participate in the court system or offering information about the criminal justice system (...)"
"Most victim service providers also supplied support to victims to help them participate in the criminal justice system (90%). In particular, these services included court accompaniment, assistance with victim impact statements and victim or witness preparation. In addition, most services provided information to support victims in the system (89%). This ranged from information on the criminal justice system to victim notification specific to their own situation (hearings, offender relocation, offender release). About half of victim services reported that they provided legal information to victims."
Labels: courts, criminal law, statistics
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