Saturday, April 11, 2015

British Library Exhibition on 800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta

This is a follow-up to the February 7, 2015 Library Boy post entitled More on the Magna Carta's 800th Anniversary that mentioned an online exhibition at the British Library about the anniversary of the document considered the foundation for the concept of the rule of law.

The British Library's Medieval Manuscripts Blog has an article on Pictures At An Exhibition that describes some of the prints, drawings and paintings that present the Magna Carta in its historical context.

The items come from the British Museum; the Victoria and Albert Museum; the National Portrait Gallery; HM The Queen and the Royal Collection, Windsor; the Palace of Westminster; the Bodleian Library, Oxford; and the Musée Carnavalet, Paris.

Earlier Library Boy posts about the Magna Carta include:

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 4:34 pm


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