Thursday, February 25, 2016

Ninth Annual International Library Automation Perceptions Survey

Library Technology Guides recently posted the results of its most recent International Survey of Library Automation:
"Over 3,400 libraries completed this year’s survey, providing sufficient data to focus the analysis more on each category of library type and size rather than aggregating across all responses. The functional requirements of public, academic, school, and other types of libraries overlap to a certain extent, but in other areas have distinctive if not contradictory functionality. Some of the products represented in the survey have been designed for specific sectors. For those used by multiple types of libraries, the analysis of the survey results by size and type of organization provides an opportunity to observe any differences in satisfaction across these categories."
"Some interesting themes can be seen in the analysis of this year’s survey results. Libraries using legacy products seem poised to move on to new systems. Those now using products like Aleph, Voyager, and Millennium show ever growing interest in migrating to new systems. Open source products achieve satisfaction levels similar to proprietary products. Results also indicate a tendency for libraries at least consider products offered by their incumbent vendor. Smaller libraries show much more delight with their products and vendors. Large libraries judge on a much more severe scale. These differing levels of expectations make it vital to group results in a way that presents valid comparisons."
The annual survey has been conducted every year since 2007. The results of all previous surveys are available on the Library Technology Guides website, which is maintained by Marshall Breeding, a well-known library automation expert.

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 12:44 pm


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