Debate on Police Body Cameras Comes to Canada
A number of Canadian police forces have completed or are contemplating pilot projects on the matter.
And Calgary plans to equip its front-line uniformed police officers with the cameras in 2017 as a matter of policy.
The article discusses why some police forces think the cameras will enhance accountability and reduce false complaints of police misconduct as well as the many concerns of sceptics such as civil libertarians:
"[Laura] Berger, of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, said it's important to test assumptions in this emerging area of technology and policing."
" 'I think there is an assumption that if people are being filmed, they will not unnecessarily use violence, that they'll be more conscious and more thoughtful about the ways that they react because they know that they're on camera,' she said."
" 'We need to be cautious of the idea that video never lies and that video evidence will provide a panacea to concerns about police use of force and accountability'."
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