US Library Association Oppostion to Trump Continues
American library associations have been speaking out against various initiatives of the new Trump administration in recent days:
- Association of College & Research Libraries: "The recent disappearance of pages from the White House website and attempts to silence scientists and the media are of serious concern to our Association. We hope that all members of ACRL will join us in reaffirming our commitment to support students, faculty, staff, and the public we serve. We are committed to representing many backgrounds and advocating for social justice on campus and in our communities. We oppose actions used to suppress free expression, academic freedom, and intellectual freedom in academe and condemn the use of intimidation, harassment, bans on entry to the United States from Muslim-majority countries, and violence as means with which to squelch free intellectual inquiry and expression.."
- Asssociation of Research Libraries: "President Trump’s recent executive order temporarily barring entry into the US by individuals from seven countries is contrary to the values held by libraries and presses, and the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and the Association of American University Presses (AAUP) stand unequivocally opposed to this immigration ban."
- American Library Association: "Today American Library Association President Julie Todaro released the following statement responding to recent actions by the new administration and specifically addressing issues regarding access to information, discrimination and intellectual freedom. We are shocked and dismayed by recent executive orders and other actions by the new administration, which stand in stark contrast to the core values of the American Library Association (ALA). Our core values include access to information; confidentiality/privacy; democracy; equity, diversity and inclusion; intellectual freedom; and social responsibility."
Labels: access to information, government_USA, human rights, library associations

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