Monday, May 29, 2017

Canadian Association of Law Libraries Webinar on US Courts and Judicial Opinions

The Canadian Association of Law Libraries (CALL) is hosting a webinar on June 22, 2017 called US Courts and Judicial Opinions for the Canadian Legal Researcher (Part Two) . It starts at 1PM Eastern time:
"This program will cover the structure of the US court system and the sources of judicial opinions, comparing the US with Canada. Focusing on stare decisis and other characteristics of US judicial opinions, differences between US and Canadian publication practices will be emphasized."
The speaker is Professor Penny A. Hazelton who has worked at the University of Washington, the US Supreme Court Library, and the University of Maine.

Part One of the webinar, US Legislation for Canadian Legal Researchers (Part One), took place March 2.

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 6:14 pm


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