Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Primer to Legislative Research Across the Provinces and Territories

Alan Kilpatrick, a law librarian with the Law Society of Saskatchewan, wrote last week on the Legal Sourcery blog about a new Primer to Legislative Research Across the Provinces and Territories published by the Vancouver Association of Law Libraries.

From the text of the Primer:
"This primer to legislative research is arranged by province/territory, with each table providing answers to seven questions.
  1. Do you have a centralized resource for Court Rules (either print or online)?
  2. Do you have any resources that help you with Provincial Point-In-Time Research?
  3. What is your legislative assembly’s website? Can you access Hansards from this website?
  4. Where do you go for legislative materials?
  5. Does your province/territory have a Continuing Legal Education Society? If yes, do you have access course  materials and other resources? Is it a paid subscription?
  6. Does your province/territory have Courthouse Library Services?
  7. Is there any other resource that you find invaluable for legal research? Are there any other resources specific to  your province/territory that you want to highlight?"
[Source: Legal Sourcery]

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 6:29 pm


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