Friday, April 03, 2020

Law Library of Congress Report on Continuity of Legislative Activities during Emergency Situations

The Law Library of Congress in Washington recently published a report on the Continuity of Legislative Activities during Emergency Situations:
"This report by the foreign law research staff of the Global Legal Research Directorate surveys the law of 36 foreign jurisdictions on the functioning of legislatures under emergency measures, arrangements in legislatures for a designated sub-group to constitute a kind of 'emergency parliament' with devolved powers from the whole legislature, and arrangements made by national legislative bodies to ensure their work during the COVID-19 pandemic."

"In the vast majority of countries surveyed, legislatures have adopted preventative measures in response to the public emergency posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, no country surveyed has explicitly invoked the powers of an “emergency parliament” with devolved power from the whole legislature. However, several countries surveyed give various other emergency powers to the legislature in times of emergencies.  "
Canada is on the countries examined in the report.

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 9:02 pm


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