Thursday, February 25, 2021

Fair Dealing Week in Canada

The library world is celebrating Fair Dealing Week in Canada right now, with a host of activities across the country.

As the Fair Dealing Canada website explains:

"The Canadian Copyright Act allows the use of material from a copyright protected work (literature, musical scores, audiovisual works, etc.) without permission when certain conditions are met. People can use fair dealing for  research, private study, education, parody, satire, criticism, review, and news reporting. In order to ensure your copying is fair, you need to consider several factors such as the amount you are copying, whether you are distributing the copy to others, and whether your copying might have a detrimental effect on potential sales of the original work (...)"

"Fair dealing has a large, positive impact, including for:

  • Educators and students at all levels,
  • Creative professionals (journalists, authors, filmmakers, musicians, etc.),
  • Individuals who want to use, copy or share portions of copyright protected works in their daily lives."


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posted by Michel-Adrien at 5:27 pm


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