LawBytes Podcast on the Legal, Ethical and Policy Implications of Vaccine Passports
In the most recent LawBytes podcast, University of Ottawa law professor Michael Geist talks to his colleague Professor Colleen Flood about the legal, ethical, privacy, and policy issues surrounding vaccine passports:
"Vaccine passports or certificates launched in Ontario last week, a development welcomed by some and strongly opposed by others. The launch raises a myriad of legal, ethical, privacy, and policy issues as jurisdictions around the world grapple with the continued global pandemic and the unusual requirements of demonstrating vaccination in order to enter some public or private spaces."
"Professor Colleen Flood, a colleague at the University of Ottawa, has been writing and thinking about these issues for many months. Later today [September 27], she will be part of a panel discussion that explores the policy challenges hosted by the University of Ottawa Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics, and the Centre for Law, Technology and Society. She joins the Law Bytes podcast with an advance preview as we discuss the legal balancing act, models from around the world, and the concerns that governments should be thinking about in this next stage of dealing with COVID-19."
Labels: COVID-19, ethics, health law, podcasts, privacy

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