Best Practices for Creating LibGuides
The post is by Julie Tedjeske Crane:
"I previously reviewed two programs on LibGuides and UX principles. Although these programs were helpful, they didn’t answer some basic questions I had about creating LibGuides.""After doing some follow-up research, I came up with my own list of best practices. I don’t intend for this list to be comprehensive. For example, I don’t discuss accessibility because that would require a separate post.""I also recognize that opinions vary on some topics. And of course, there can be instances when particular guidance is not applicable. Think of this list as a few key ideas that I found helpful enough to share."
Crane breaks down her text into categories on purpose of guides, tone and language, headings, layout, look and feel, and editing and reviewing.
There are also links to guides on best practices, style guides for the web, presentations, and checklists/tip sheets.
The blog is published by the Research, Instruction, and Patron Services Special Interest Section (RIPS-SIS) of the American Association of Law Libraries.
Labels: information management, web design

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