New ALA Report on Best Practices for Library Interviews
Core, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), has published a new report on Best Practices for Academic Interviews.
Many of the ideas can apply to job interviews in other library types.
"The library profession has seen radical change in people’s thinking about all aspects of work and life, due in part to the sudden and prolonged shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic and increasing calls for social justice and antiracism in our services and practices. While many manuals for hiring and interviewing exist, including those in professional library associations and organizations, they may already be out of step with the rapid changes of recent years. The free document, 'Core Best Practices for Academic Interviews', seeks to capture emerging best practices as well as recommendations to encourage organizations to audit their interview processes to determine how unexamined assumptions and traditional practices may be disadvantageous to some applicants."
"Sections cover each stage of the interview process, recommendations for each interview format (in person, online, hybrid), and an extensive list of additional resources. The principles and suggested action items provide flexibility to try out new interview schedules and models, always maintaining focus on candidate-friendly and anti-bias practices."
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