Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Law Library of Congress Report on Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Around the World

The Law Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. has published a new report on the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Around the World:

"This report, prepared by the research staff of the Law Library of Congress, provides a list of jurisdictions in the world where legislation that specifically refers to artificial  intelligence (AI) or systems utilizing AI have been adopted or proposed. Researchers of the Law Library surveyed all jurisdictions in their research portfolios to find such legislation,  and those encountered have been compiled in the annexed list with citations and brief  descriptions of the relevant legislation."

"Only adopted or proposed instruments that have legal effect are reported for national and subnational jurisdictions and the European Union (EU); guidance or policy documents that have no legal effect are not included for these jurisdictions. Major international  organizations have also been surveyed and documents adopted or proposed by these organizations that specifically refer to AI are reported in the list."

The Law Library of Congress is the world’s largest law library, with a collection of over 2 and a half million volumes from all ages of history and virtually every jurisdiction in the world.
Over the years, it has published dozens of comparative law reports which are a treasure trove for legal research on a huge variety of issues.

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 8:42 pm


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