Monday, September 30, 2024

CanLII's Commitment to Honouring Truth and Reconciliation Day

Today is Canada’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a day to mark the legacy of the country's Indian residential schools where multiple generations of Indigenous children were subjected to forms of physical and psychological violence to assimilate them.

CanLII, the Canadian Legal Information Institute, has a number of initiatives to share information about Indigenous legal issues and promote Indiegenous voices:

"As part of this commitment, we have recently published the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) on CanLII. The TRC report, a landmark document, sheds light on the systemic abuses Indigenous peoples suffered in Canada’s residential school system. It also provides a clear call to action for individuals, institutions, and governments across Canada to work toward reconciliation. By making this report widely available on our platform, we hope to contribute to the ongoing education and awareness necessary to foster meaningful change."

"We are also working on a project to expand our collection of Aboriginal law through our recent acquisition of the Canadian Native Law Cases (CNLC). Published by the University of Saskatchewan’s Indigenous Law Centre, the CNLC encompasses a large number of court decisions involving Indigenous peoples issued between 1763 and 1978. This project is a significant step in ensuring that the history of Indigenous peoples’ interactions with the Canadian legal system is better documented, more comprehensive, and freely available to all on CanLII."

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 4:56 pm


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