Monday, September 09, 2024

International Federation of Library Associations Trend Report 2024

The International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) has released the results of a recent survey to gather perspectives on the impacts it identified in its 2024 Trend Report Literature Review:

"The idea here was to get a sense of how optimistic respondents were about the Trends, each of which has both potential positive and negative aspects. They also aimed to stimulate thinking about the difference between the macro situation (for societies or libraries in general), and the more direct one for the respondent’s own library. By asking about the need for libraries, it aimed to understand how respondents anticipated demand for library services evolving."

"The second part looked, for each of the Trends that participants said was important, how strong was the relationship of this Trend to each of the others. This would help us identify interesting areas for defining scenarios."

The trends identified in the literature review are:

  • Trend 1: Knowledge practices are changing, and the future holds both opportunities and challenges for equity in knowledge systems
  • Trend 2: AI and other technologies are transforming society, and how we create, share and use information
  • Trend 3: Trust is being renegotiated, especially in government and media
  • Trend 4: Skills and abilities are becoming more complex, but also essential
  • Trend 5: Digital technologies and their benefits are unevenly distributed
  • Trend 6: Information systems are using more resources, impacting the planet
  • Trend 7: People are seeking community connections – spaces to share are key

The central mission of IFLA’s Trend Report is to support libraries, library and information workers, and their associations in approaching the future in an informed, structured and confident way.

The 2024 edition of the Trend Report itself will be launched at the Information Futures Summit in Brisbane, Australia, on 30 September – 3 October.

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 6:45 pm


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