Review of Research by Correctional Service Canada
The Government of Canada's Weekly Acquisitions List is a list of publications by various public bodies and agencies of the federal government that were catalogued in the previous week.
The most recent issue includes Research Year in Review 2022-2023, a publication of Correctional Service Canada (CSC).
From the introduction by Andrea Moser, PhD, Director General of the Research Branch of the CSC:
"The Research Branch of the Correctional Service of Canada is a centralized research unit operating within the Policy Sector at National Headquarters. As an in-house research unit, CSC’s Research Branch is uniquely positioned to provide relevant, operationally meaningful and applied correctional research in support of CSC’s mandate and corporate priorities."
"The Branch strives to produce research that is timely, agile and that responds quickly and efficiently to urgent and priority requests while also balancing the need for and importance of more in-depth longterm projects (...)"
"The intent of this Research Year in Review is to highlight the excellent work done by our research team and ensure that the findings are broadly disseminated, including outside of our organization and the Canadian federal correctional context. We therefore hope that you find this review valuable and that you share it with others who may benefit from this knowledge."
There are sections on substance use, security threats, the impacts of the pandemic, Indigenous prisoners, correctional programs, and other topics.
Labels: annual reports, correctional services

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