Thursday, March 13, 2025

Report of the @Risk North 3 Digital Preservation Summit

The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL), along with other partner organizations, hosted a summit on Canadian digital preservation at the Library and Archives Canada location in Gatineau, Québec on November 21-22, 2024.

The full report of the event is now available:

"The @Risk North 3 summit (Gatineau, November 2024), organized by the CARL Digital Preservation Working Group (DPWG) and partners, addressed current challenges in the digital preservation arena through presentations by key stakeholders, guided discussions and lightning talks. Areas under discussion included broad themes such as education and training, people strategy, funding and resource allocation, and more focused ones like web archiving, research data, benchmarking, and tools and technologies."

"Across the summit, participants emphasized the need for continued and deepened collaboration between institutions, organizations and practitioners for the purposes of advocacy, knowledge-sharing and skills development. Identifying sustainable solutions, shared infrastructure among them, addressing growing storage requirements and budgetary constraints was a priority. The community could benefit from establishing and sharing best practices, methodologies and workflows around key activities such as benchmarking, and greater mechanisms to facilitate access to resources. Varied and more extensive training, both formal and informal and at all career stages, would benefit individual practitioners and organizations."

"Moving forward, a follow-up webinar to share findings, the creation of a community of practice, and planning for future iterations of the @Risk North summit would continue the momentum and encourage the relationship-building the summit fostered."

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 8:32 pm


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