Aboriginal Rights Resources
Here are a few of my favourite online resources for researching aboriginal legal issues:
- Aboriginal Canadian Portal: a collaborative site put together by the federal government and various national aboriginal organizations, the portal offers links to resources about legislation, treaties and government programs
- Historic Treaty Information Site (Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development): "The site contains historical research reports, images, maps, bibliographies and other resources pertaining to the more than 70 historic treaties negotiated between 1701 and 1923."
- Library of Parliament Research Publications on Aboriginal Issues: includes research reports on fishing rights, the Kelowna Accord, self-government, aboriginal claims, aboriginal title, the Crown's fiduciary responsibility, band membership, traditional knowledge and intellectual property rights
- Aboriginal Documentary Heritage (Library and Archives Canada): Library and Archives Canada online exhibition that provides documentation about the relationship between the Canadian government and Canada's Aboriginal people from the late 1700s to the mid-20th century. There is also an extensive collection of links to resources for research into aboriginal issues in Canada
- JuriBistro TOPO - Autochtones (CAIJ - Centre d'accès à l'information juridique): for those who read French, this is a comprehensive knowledgebase on legal issues developed by the library and research staff of CAIJ, a library network associated with the Quebec Bar Association. The TOPO collection contains thousands of legal research questions and answers based on the 20,000 plus questions local CAIJ outlets receive annually from laywers across Quebec. The CAIJ network includes 38 courthouse libraries, 8 regional libraries, 3 resource libraries and 27 local service points. A typical Q&A file includes the applicable legislation, case law and top sources of commentary on the issue
- Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada: website of the federal government department set up to resolve issues arising from the legacy of sexual, physical and cultural abuse in Indian residential schools.
- Native Law Centre of Canada (University of Saskatchewan): includes a searchable database of factums, pleadings, and opinions on Native rights cases, and a catalogue of publications (case law reporters, legislative histories, etc.)
- Canadian Native Law Cases (University of Saskatchewan): "The Canadian Native Law Cases were compiled and indexed by researchers at the Native Law Centre, University of Saskatchewan between 1980 and 1991. The 9 volume set contains all reported Canadian court decisionsas well as those that went to the Privy Council on appeal from Canada. There is also a selection of previously unreported cases. The period covered is 1763-1978."
- Research Guide: Aboriginal Law (Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto): "While this guide primarily deals with Canada, there is also information on U.S. native law, as well as information on law in an international setting."
- Select Bibliography - Aboriginal Law (Lederman Law Library, Queen's University, Kingston)
- Law by Subject > Aboriginal Law (Legal Services Society of British Columbia): includes links to various resources, including continuing legal education material on issues in aboriginal law, such as: taxation, individual rights on reserve, division of marital property, use of oral history evidence, estates and wills