CALL 2008 Conference - New Product Announcements
Here are some of the new products or product enhancements law librarians can expect:
- WestlaweCarswell is introducing KeyCite for Regulations as of this week: all regulations, Canadian or foreign, that have been referred to in any Canadian case since 1997 can now be noted up in KeyCite
- WestlaweCarswell will also be introducing Words and Phrases (judicial interpretation of terms) as of this fall as a service in LawSource: coverage will be comprehensive as of 1977 and selective for the 1940s-mid-70s period. Words and Phrases will also be displayed in KeyCite results along with the usual judicial treatment and history of cases and references to secondary authorities
- Carswell plans a major overhaul of the Canadian Encyclopedic Digest: a 4th edition is in the works, with a full update of the 3rd edition to take place over the next 3 years. In the fall of 2008, 63 titles will be completely renewed. In the electronic version, the material will be organized into bigger scrowlable units
- CCH Canadian Legislative Pulse will now have regulation tracking capability right on the home page alongside the statutes. Federal and provincial regulations will be searchable by title, reg number, and enacting legislation. Links to full text in the federal and/or provincial Gazettes are provided
- Lexis-Nexis is making it easier to access international content on Quicklaw, including France's JurisClasseur and Halsbury's Laws of England
- Quicklaw will also continue expanding its practice-specific portals. These portals (for IP, immigration, employment, family and, soon, criminal practice) offer e-access to top treatises, relevant Halsbury's Laws of Canada volumes, annotated Acts and practice guides and/or court rules, forms and precedents, case digests and benchmark classics like Sopinka on Evidence)
Labels: conferences, databases, law libraries, legal publishers, legal research and writing

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