Preserving Born-Digital Legal Materials - Where to Start?
"There is no denying the urgent need for libraries to take on the task of preserving our digital heritage. Law libraries specifically have a critically important role to play in this undertaking. Access to legal and law-related information is a core underpinning of our democratic society. Every law librarian knows this to be true. (I believe it's what drew us to the profession in the first place.) "
"Frankly speaking, our current digital preservation strategies and systems are imperfect – and they most likely will never be perfected. That's because digital preservation is a field that will be in a constant state of change and flux for as long as technology continues to progress. Yet, tremendous strides have been made over the past decade to stave off the dreaded digital dark age, and libraries today have a number of viable tools, services, and best practices at our disposal for the preservation of digital content. "
Labels: digitization, law libraries, preservation

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