Perspectives on E-Books
- Perspectives on the future of e-books in libraries in universities (TSLL TechScans, January 17, 2013): "This article reports research into the perceptions and predictions of academic librarians regarding the future role and development of e-books, and e-book collections and services. A number of recent studies reported in the literature review indicate increasing interest in e-books. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 32 academic librarians, in seven case study libraries. Most interviewees anticipated a significant growth in the size and role of e-book collections in academic libraries over the next five years. The actions and policies of each of the key stakeholder groups, e-book vendors (publishers and aggregators), academic libraries and users are viewed as pivotal to the future use of e-books in universities."
- EBook Business Models - A scorecard for public libraries (American Library Association, January 25, 2013): "The Digital Content & Libraries Working Group (DCWG) began documenting and describing attributes of various licensing arrangements libraries may have with publishers in the August 2012 report Ebook Business Models for Public Libraries. Now we are pleased to share The Ebook Business Model Scorecard, which more fully examines the variables often seen in ebook license agreements or contracts. At the same time, the variables, when considered as a whole, can help libraries conceptualize licenses holistically instead of fixating on one aspect of a contract in isolation."
- Réfléchir aux livrels (ALA et IFLA) (Culture Libre, January 30, 2013): "Deux rapports à lire absolument sur le sujet des livres électroniques (livels). Dans un premier temps, l’American Library Association poursuit sa réflexion sur les contrats d’accès en lançant un “Ebook Business Model Scorecard” (PDF, en 8p.), un tableau de bord qui permet d’analyser et de comparer les termes des licences d’accès à des livrels (...) Sur le même ordre d’idée, le site InfoDocket recense certaines réflexions autour du prêt numérique entamée par l’IFLA (fédération internationale des bibliothèques)."
- Canadian Study on E-Books in Research Libraries (June 1, 2008): "The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) recently published a study entitled E-Books in Research Libraries: Issues of Access and Use. The report includes: A literature review; A review of e-book licenses and comparisons with print; An examination of differences between access and use of print books and e-books and impact on scholarship; An outline of the issues of access and use of e- books in Research Libraries..."
- Blog Series on Law-Related E-Books (October 13, 2009): "Eugene Volokh, a law prof who contributes to the collective Volokh Conspiracy blog, has completed an multi-part series on the future of legal publishing and the trend towards e-books."
- Highlights from Recent Issues of Canadian Association of Research Libraries E-Lerts (February 6, 2011): "The Canadian Association of Research Libraries sends out a weekly E-Lert bulletin with links to stories about library trends, e-resources, copyright issues, digital collections etc. Here are some highlights from the past two issues (...) From research and pilot programs, digitization efforts and financial support for vendors, libraries have helped prepare the way for e-books. But now that the consumer market for e-books has taken off, are libraries in danger of being marginalized? A standing-room-only panel discussion on Saturday, January 8, at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in San Diego, looked at the challenges and opportunities e-books hold for libraries. It was [Brewster] Kahle’s concerns about the developing e-book market that seemed to resonate most with librarians "
- New White Paper on Skills Needed By Today's Law Librarians (October 17, 2012): "The American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) and the International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) have co-published a white paper called The New Librarian that looks at the new skills that today's law librarians need to have or acquire to do well and survive. It is full of examples of how law librarians in different contexts are facing up to the challenges of constant change. The table of contents: (...) The Challenges of E-Books in Law Firm Libraries by Bess Reynolds of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP"
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