Upcoming Job-Hunting Webinars from Canadian Library Association
- February 25, 2013, 7PM Eastern: The Job Interview - Projecting Competence, Confidence and Fit With Organizational Culture: "It’s one thing to produce a superb resume and expertly crafted cover letter. Going in for the grilling is quite another challenge. Fortunately, there is help. Ulla de Stricker distils her own experience and the best advice out there into a set of tips for convincing the potential employer you are the perfect candidate … and for diagnosing whether the employer’s culture is a good fit for you. Specific attention is paid to 'difficult' questions and the professional way to respond to them."
- March 6, 2013, 2PM Eastern: Cover Letters – Do They Do Us Justice? (rescheduled from Feb. 11, 2013): "Ulla de Stricker will show information professionals how to turn their cover letters into effective sales instruments. Come see how 'ineffective' cover letters – the standard ones you may be using right now? – get transformed into powerful sales tools. You will be amazed how stripping out weak verbiage and using confident language makes a difference!"
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