News from Fort McMurray Librarians
"We heard from the Librarians of Fort Mac today. All staff and family made it out and the Library is still standing. But what impressed me so much, was that they had the presence of mind to grab the backup servers. That's how Librarians think; information ninja's, heroes, gurus. Libraries throughout the province are making their computers, internet, collections and space available to the displaced people of Ft. Mac freely. They have a place to go to file E.I. and other insurance claims. They have a place to take their children, hopefully taking their minds off their losses, if only for a little while. All of Alberta is coming together in support, with provisions, and with prayer. It makes me proud of the people in this province that I now call home."So far, the devastating forest fires in Northern Alberta have destroyed some 2,400 buildings in the town.
Labels: disaster planning, libraries

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