On August 1,
I posted about the current awareness service called Current Law Journal Content from the Washington and Lee University Law School. The service makes available
tables of content from more than 1000 law journals from around the world.
In late August, John Doyle, one of the people in charge of the service, sent out a message to the Canadian Association of Law Libraries listserv asking if there is anyone who subscribes to any Canadian law journal that's not currently listed who might be interested in scanning (on an ongoing basis) the contents pages and e-mailing them to him at
doylej@wlu.eduIn particular, Doyle is looking for the following journals:
- Appeal: review of current law and law reform (U. of Victoria)
- Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal
- Revue de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke
- Revue du Barreau du Québec
- Revue générale de droit (U. of Ottawa)
- Revue juridique des étudiants et étudiantes de l'Université Laval
Canadian law journals presently in Current Law Journal Content:
Advocates' Quarterly, African Journal of Legal Studies, Alberta Law Review, Annals of Air and Space Law, Banking & Finance Law Review, Cahiers de Droit, Canadian Bar Review, Canadian Business Law Journal, Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Canadian Journal of Family Law, Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, Canadian Journal of Law and Society / Revue Canadienne Droit et Société, Canadian Journal of Law and Technology, Canadian Journal of Women & the Law, Canadian Tax Journal, Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Constitutional Forum, Criminal Law Quarterly, Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies, Dalhousie Law Journa,l Education & Law Journal, Health Law Journal, Health Law Review, Indigenous Law Journal, International Journal of Comparative Criminology, Journal of Conflict Studies, Journal of Law & Equality, Journal of Law and Social Policy, Manitoba Law Journal, McGill Law Journal, National Journal of Constitutional Law, Ocean Yearbook, Osgoode Hall Law Journal, Ottawa Law Review, Queen's Law Journal, Review of Constitutional Studies, Revue Juridique Themis, Revue québécoise de droit international, Saskatchewan Law Review, Supreme Court Law Review, UNB Law Journal, University of British Columbia Law Review, University of Ottawa Law and Technology Journal, University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review, University of Toronto Law Journal, Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues, Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice
Labels: current awareness, law libraries